Academic positions
08/2023 –
ZHAW Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Language Competence: Research Associate
Department of Language and Literature Studies, University of Basel: Lecturer
03/2023 – 07/2023
Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna: Lecturer
02/2016 – 03/2023
Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna: Postdoc University Assistant
09/2012 – 06/2015
Research Centre on Multilingualism, Institute of Multilingualism at the University of Fribourg and the University of Teacher Education Fribourg, Switzerland: Postdoc researcher & scientific collaborator
07/2010 – 09/2011
Institute of Multilingualism, University of Fribourg and University of Teacher Education Fribourg: Researcher
11/2007 – 04/2010
School of Applied Linguistics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland: Dart time scientific collaborator in the design of studies on English as Medium of Instruction and English in multinational companies in Switzerland, with Prof. Patrick Studer
01/2007 – 10/2010
Department of Linguistics, University of Bern, Switzerland: Doctoral student in the EU FP6 Project “LINEE: Languages In a Network of European Excellence” with Prof. Iwar Werlen
02/2006 – 09/2007
Centre for the Study in Science and Technology (CEST); today Swiss Council Science and Innovation Council, Berne, Switzerland: Internship in the area of Higher Education Studies (11 months); principal researcher in a qualitative study on the choice of IT as field of study (9 months)
Spracherleben - Mehrsprachigkeit in Kugy-Klassen am Slowenischen Gymnasium/Slovenska gimnazija (SLOG) in Klagenfurt/Celovec aus Sicht von Schüler_innen, project lead by Prof. Brigitta Busch [01-06/2020; completed]
WALMU („Wahrnehmungen von Lehrpersonen für den muttersprachlichen Unterricht“), together with Prof. Sara Hägi-Mead, Bergische Universität Wuppertal [on-going since 10/2017]
Language, ethnicity and exoticisation: The Thai Massage Studio as an Ethnographic Sociolinguistic Case Study [04/2017-12/2019; completed]
Access to the labour market, unemployment and language skills, project lead by Prof. Alexandre Duchêne [01/2013-06/2015; completed]
When language becomes the subject of work: Multilingualism in Biel/Bienne's call centres, project lead by Prof. Dr. Alexandre Duchêne, University of Fribourg [07/2010-09/2011; completed]
Integration through language - the language of integration: A critical discourse analysis of the role of language in the integration policies of Switzerland and Basel 1998-2008 [02/2007-02/2013; completed]
LINEE: Languages In a Network of European Excellence, project lead by Prof. em. Iwar Werlen, University of Bern, collaboration in various Work Packages [02/2007-09/2010; completed]
Networks & research groups
- Netzwerk SprachenRechte (member of organisational group since 2016)
- Language & Work-Group (founding member in 2017; advisory committee 06/2017–11/2020, 01/2023–)
- Arbeitskreis Mehrsprachigkeit (since 2016)
Teaching at university (most recent)
SoSe 2023
- Mehrsprachige Arbeit. MA-Proseminar. Guest lecture by Daniel Marcher (University of Innsbruck); Q&A with Kamilla Kraft (Copenhagen University).
- Grundlagen der Angewandten Sprachwissenschaft. BA-seminar.
WS 2023
Minderheitenforschung. (MA-Proseminar), in which the students created websites for their research projects. Guest lecture by Shpresa Jashiri (PH Zug).
SoSe 2022
Sprache und Arbeit: migrantische Ökonomien. BA-seminar. Guest lectures by Lejla Atagan (Vienna Business University) & Mingdan Wu (UCL London)
SoSe 2020
Sprachenpolitik: postkolonial
WS 2019/20
Minderheitenforschung (MA-Proseminar), in which the students created websites for their research projects
SoSe 2019
Sprache und Macht (MA-Proseminar)
WS 2018/9
- Sprache und politische Ökonomie (MA-Proseminar mit Jonas Hassemer)
- Gedenken - ein linguistisches Arbeitsfeld (BA-Proseminar mit Christian Bendl)
SoSe 2018
Bourdieu und die Linguistik (MA-Proseminar)
WS 2017/8
Minderheitenforschung (MA-Proseminar), in which the students created websites for their research projects
Workshops and teaching outside university
"Eine Diskussion über Standardsprache und Dialekt im Kontext beruflicher Integration in der Deutschschweiz". Workshop DaZ-ExpertInnen-Forum 2022, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur.
Input on project WALMU ("Wahrnehmungen von Lehrpersonen für den muttersprachlichen Unterricht") with Prof. Sara Hägi-Mead. Online-Summer School "Mehrsprachigkeit und Muttersprachlicher Unterricht", PH Oberösterreich, NCoC BIMM & Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Organisation of and teaching in [online] 1-week-module on multilingualism, sociolinguistics and migration for a certification course for mother-tongue teachers in Austria, PH Wien (Teacher Training College Vienna), Austria.
Workshop “erlebte und gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit” in training course for school librarians, PH Wien (Teacher Training College Vienna), Austria. German.
Organisation of and teaching in 1-week-module on multilingualism, sociolinguistics and migration for a certification course for mother-tongue teachers in Austria, PH Wien (Teacher Training College Vienna), Austria. German.
Lecture 1-day-workshop on language acquisition, dialect and integration at Bildungszentrum Salzkammergut (BIS), Ebenensee, Austria. Organised by COMMIT.
Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer (IDT), Fribourg, Switzerland: Workshop with em. Prof. Rudolf de Cillia: “Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Kontext sozialer Integration in den deutschsprachigen Ländern: berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung im Fokus“.
Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer (IDT), Fribourg, Switzerland: Leading of a roundtable discussion on German as a second language in the context of migration (original title in German: “Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Migrationszusammenhang – Brücke, Hürde oder Bürde?“)