Mi-Cha Flubacher

I am a research associate at the ZHAW Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistic Competence, Switzerland in the team working on Language Management and Globalisation.

In my research projects, I have always been concerned with questions of social inequality and social exclusion through language. The focus is thereby not so much on a specific language but rather on the ideologies, practices, and discourses associated with certain languages and their varieties – in short, the question of the extent to which and the consequences with which language or language competences are invested with social and political meanings. My interest finds articulation in sociolinguistic research on the labor market (multilingual work environments, unemployment, migrant economies) and the education system (German as a second language and vocational training, heritage language instruction, multilingual forms of schooling). In short: critical sociolinguistics is my intellectual 'engine' and epistemological home. 


Dr. Mi-Cha Flubacher

Institute of Language Competence | Language Management and Globalisation

ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Departement Angewandte Linguistik
Theaterstrasse 17
8401 Winterthur



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