CBM projects: conferences on interculturality

Prof. Bozidar Jaksic, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade

A series of five conferences was organized as a private initiative of Prof. Jaksic

  • Multiethnic Societies, 2-4 June 1994
  • Towards a language of peace, 17-18 March 1995
  • Frontiers - the challenge for interculturality, 30 May - 1 June 1996
  • Interculturality versus racism and xenophobia, 17-19 May 1997
  • Interculturality and tolerance, 22-24 May 1998

The aim of the conferences was to organise a public debate from a interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together academics and representatives of civil society from each of the countries of former Yugoslavia and beyond to discuss questions relating to ways of effectively countering racism and xenophobia and actively promoting intercultural relations.

The organisation of the five conferences should be seen against the general background of the war and its aftermath in former Yugoslavia, economic blockade and sanctions and enormous difficulties involved in travelling between certain countries (and different parts of the same country, in certain cases) which have been at war or in conflict with each other.

The contributions presented at the five conferences were published in:

  • Bozidar Jaksic (ed.) 1995: Interkulturalnost / Interculturality.
    Beograd, Hobisport. ISBN 86-81785-08-7
  • Bozidar Jaksic (ed.) 1996: Ka jeziku mira.
    Beograd, Forum za etnicke odnose. ISBN 86-7093-072-2
  • Bozidar Jaksic (ed.) 1997: Granice - izazov interkulturalnosti / Frontiers - the challenge of interculturality.
    Beograd, Forum za etnicke odnose. ISBN 86-7093-083-8
  • Bozidar Jaksic (ed.) 1998: Interkulturalnost versus rasizam i ksenofobija / Interculturality versus racism and xenophobia.
    Beograd, Forum za etnicke odnose. ISBN 86-7093-079-X
  • Bozidar Jaksic (ed.) 1999: Interkulturalnost i tolerancija / Interculturality and tolerance.
    Beograd, Republika. ISBN 86-81493-62-0

In 1999/2000 Bozidar Jaksic and his team elaborated a study: "Life and possibilities of integration of displaced Romanies from Kosovo in Montenegro".