Program and Venue

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Language and Trauma

Workshop Essen (2023)8th to 10th of March, 2023



Format and program

In order to accommodate participants on-site and on-line, we opt for a program that combines on-line/on-site presentations and discussions with optional activities on-site in Essen in the mornings.

To facilitate discussion, we kindly ask you to stick to 15 (or 5) minutes of presentation time.

Please find the full program here: pdf

All sessions will be accessible via Zoom for the registered participants.

Organisation and Venue

We will meet at the Essen campus of the University Duisburg-Essen (located north of Essen’s city center, approx. 20 minutes walk from the main train station). The program starts on the 8th of March at 11.30 am and closes on the 10th of March at approx. 4 pm. Further on Travel and Accommodation

Travel grants

We are prioritizing Phd students and then people on temporary contracts, and we will get back to you individually to let you know about your application. Due to the high demand, we are currently trying to raise more money to be able to cover additional applications (who we will inform as early as possible).