Virtual book table 'Language and Trauma'
These resources were collected around the workshop Language and Trauma in Essen/Germany, in March 2023. Feel free to suggest additions by writing to judith.purkarthofer (at)
Online-Sessions in March 2024: Session plan (19.3.2024)
Books and Special Issues
[to be continued]
Brizic, Katharina (2022) Der Klang der Ungleichheit. Biografie, Bildung und Zusammenhalt in der vielsprachigen Gesellschaft. [The Sound of Inequality. Biography, Education and Cohesion in the Multilingual Society] WAXMANN (Open access) DOI: 10.31244/9783830995944
Busch, Brigitta, Tim McNamara,(2020) Special Issue: Language and Trauma: An Introduction, Applied Linguistics, Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2020, Pages 323–333,
Costa, Beverley (2020) Other Tongues ─ psychological therapies in a multilingual world. A guide for qualified practitioners, trainers and supervisors. Monmouth. PCCS Books.
germanica; 33 (Themenheft: Erzählte Chronotopoi: Orte und Erinnerung in Zeitzeugeninterviews und berichten zu erzwungener Migration im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Barbara Häußinger, Carolina Flinz, Simona Leonardi & Eva-Maria Thüne).
Kosatica Maida (2022) The burden of traumascapes: Discourses of remembering in Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond. New York, London: Bloomsbury.
Lechner, Elsa; Capinha, Graça; Keating, Clara (orgs.) (2020), EM migração, EM português: exílios, retornos e colonizações. Coimbra: Almedina
Leonardi, Simona, Eva-Maria Thüne & Anne Betten (Hrsg.) (2016): Emotionsausdruck und Erzählstrategien in narrativen Interviews: Analysen zu Gesprächsaufnahmen mit jüdischen Emigranten. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Leonardi, Simona, Marcella Costa, Sabine E. Koesters Gensini & Valentina Schettino (Hrsg.) (2023): Orte und Erinnerung. Eine Kartografie des Israelkorpus (Confronti). Roma: Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici.
Olko, Justyna & Sallabank, J. (Eds.). (2021). Revitalizing Endangered Languages. Cambridge.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2019): Gerettet: Berichte von Kindertransport und Auswanderung nach Großbritannien. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag.
Trinch, Shonna L. (2003) Latinas' Narratives of Domestic Abuse: Discrepant Versions of Violence (2003). John Benjamin.
Volvach, N. (2023). From words to voids: Absencing and haunting in Crimean semiotic landscapes.Dissertations in Bilingualism. Stockholm University. Available at:
Papers and Chapters
Agbaso, L. & Roberts, G. J., (2023) “‘Beyond Being Nice’: A model for supporting adult ESOL learners who have experienced trauma”, Wales Journal of Education 25(2): 4, 89-120. doi:
Brizic K., Bulut N., Șimșek Y. & Blaschitz V. (2022) Mündliche Literatur. [Oral Literature] IN: SPRACHARBEIT MIT GEFLÜCHTETEN (Open access) DOI: 10.3726/B19582 *Keywords: Forced migration , narrative , poetic dimension , oral poetry , educational equity*
Brizic K., Șimșek Y. & Bulut N. (2021) Ah, our village was beautiful. Towards a Critical Social Linguistics in times of migration and war. THE MOUTH. CRITICAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, CULTURE & SOCIETY 8. (Open access) *Keywords: Forced migration , resulting language regimes , trauma-influenced narratives , Voice , poetic dimension , resistance*
Busch, Brigitta (2016) Regaining a place from which to speak and to be heard: in search of a response to the “violence of voicelessness”. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics PLUS 46, 317–330.
Busch, Brigitta (2016). Sprachliche Verletzung, verletzte Sprache: Über den Zusammenhang von traumatischem Erleben und Spracherleben. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST) 89, 85–108.
Busch, Brigitta, Jürgen Spitzmüller (2021) Indexical borders: the sociolinguistic scales of the shibboleth. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 272.
Busch, Brigitta; Reddemann, Luise (2013) Mehrsprachigkeit, Trauma und Resilienz. Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie 11, 23-33. [PDF]
Charalambous, Constadina. (2023) "Navigating liminality: young people’s political socialization in a conflict-affected context" International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 279, 131-154.
CHARALAMBOUS, C. (2019), Language Education and ‘Conflicted Heritage’: Implications for Teaching and Learning. The Modern Language Journal, 103: 874-891.
Chromik, B., Maryniak, J., & Olko, J. (2022). Ethnic Minorities in Poland in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Threats, Stigma and Forms of (In)visibility. COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies, 1157–1174.
Dewaele, J.-M., Rolland, L., Cook, S.R. & Costa, B. (2022). Mixed methods when researching sensitive topics. In S. Bager-Charlson & A. McBeath (Eds.), Supporting Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research (Vol 2). Palgrave Macmillan. Available at:
Deppermann, Arnulf. 2020. Unpacking Parental Violence in Narratives: Agency, Guilt, and Pedagogy in Narratives about Traumatic Interpersonal Experiences, Applied Linguistics, Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2020, Pages 428–451,
Georgiou, A. (2022). 5. Conducting Multilingual Classroom Research with Refugee Children in Cyprus: Critically Reflecting on Methodological Decisions. In P. Holmes, J. Reynolds & S. Ganassin (Ed.), The Politics of Researching Multilingually (pp. 111-130). Multilingual Matters.
Granqvist, Angelica. 2023. Negotiating epistemic congruence: Students’ lived experiences of learning spaces in a contact zone classroom. Apples –Journal of Applied Language Studies 17/2:28–51.
Granqvist, Angelica. 2023. " How I live [participate] now: Re-negotiating social belonging and linguistic participation in book-group discussions" European Journal of Applied Linguistics 11/2: 460-487.
Granqvist, Angelica. 2024. Creating a safe house for active literary book-group discussions in a contact zone classroom, Linguistics and Education 83.
Heider, Christiane E. (1989): Institutionelle Vernetzung zur Förderung informeller Zusammenschlüsse. In: Nakos Extra Nr. 14, Berlin
Heider, Christiane E. (1993) Die Bedeutung kleiner informeller Selbsthilfe-Zusammenschlüsse und Möglichkeiten ihrer Finanzierung. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Wiesbaden.
Heider, Christiane E. / Schwendter, Rolf /Weiß, Reinald (Hrsg.) (1988): Politik der Seele, München
Hopf, Hans; Winter-Heider, Christiane E. (2019): Sprache und Traum in der psychodynamischen Therapie von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
Keating, Clara (2015), "Desxenofobando": dinâmicas materiais e movimentos dos sentidos nas oficinas biográficas, in Elsa Lechner (org.), Rostos, Vozes e Silêncios: uma pesquisa biográfica colaborativa com imigrantes em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina, 145-170
Keating, Clara (2019), "Biographizing migrant experience", International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019, 257, 49-75
Keating, Clara (2019), "Coloniality of knowledge, Ch'ixinakax utxiwa, and intercultural translation. The (im)pertinence of language and discourse studies", Language, Culture and Society, 1, 1, 141-146
Keating, Clara (2022), Polycentric, pluricentric? Epistemic traps in sociolinguistic approaches to multilingual Portuguese, in Makoni, S., Severo, C., Abdelhay, A., Kaiper-Marquez, A. (org.), The Languaging of Higher Education in the Global South: Decolonizing the Language of Scholarship and Pedagogy. London: Routledge
Kiss, Nadiya; Orobchuk, Dariia; Pidkuimukha, Luidmyla; Skintey, Lesya (2022). Die vier häufigsten Mythen über die ukrainische Sprache. In: Ukraine verstehen.
Koechel, Roland / Heider, Christiane (1985) Scheidungsforschung an der Gesamthochschule Kassel. In: FRAGMENTE – Schriftenreihe zur Psychoanalyse
Koechel, Roland / Heider, Christiane (1989): Das Wohl des Kindes in der familiengerichtlichen Sorgerechtspraxis – eine inhaltsanalytische Studie über sorge- und umgangsrechtliche Beschlüsse. In: Zentralblatt für Jugendrecht, 2/89
Konopatsch, I. & Koch, S. (2022) Refugees Dealing with Complex Trauma: Dance/Movement Therapy for Survivors of the Genocide of the Yazidi. IN: DANCE/MOVEMENT THERAPY FOR TRAUMA SURVIVORS. DOI: 10.4324/9781003111382 *Keywords: Forced migration , multiple trauma , Dance/Movement Therapy (DTM) , Yazidi , Germany , North Iraq , genocide , survivors*
Kosatica M (2021) 102: the semiotics of living memorials. Social Semiotics 31(5): 738-756.
Kosatica M (forthcoming) The walls of peril: Belligerent symbolics of post-war murals in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In: Buchstaller I, Fabiszak M and Ross MA (eds) Time-space (dis-)continuities in the LL: Studies in the symbolic (re-)appropriation of public space. Elysse.
Kosatica M (née Bilkic) (2018) Emplacing hate: Traumatic graffscapes and linguistic violence in post-war Bosnia Herzegovina. Linguistic landscape 4(1): 1-28.
Leonardi, Simona (2016): Erinnerte Emotionen in autobiographischen Erzählungen. In Simona Leonardi, Eva-Maria Thüne & Anne Betten (Hrsg.), Emotionsausdruck und Erzählstrategien in narrativen Interviews: Analysen zu Gesprächsaufnahmen mit jüdischen Emigranten, 1–45. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Leonardi, Simona (2018): Metaphors in the life story of a German-Jewish immigrant to Palestine/Israel. How metaphorical constructions and remembering process interweave. Remembrance and Research. The journal of the Israel Oral History Association. ILOHA 2. 51–68.
Leonardi, Simona (2022): Displacement and Disorientation in a Narrative of Former Migrants from Germany to Palestine. In Patricia Ronan & Evelyn Ziegler (Hrsg.), Language and Identity in Migration Contexts (Language, Migration and Identity 5), 325–342. Oxford et al.: Peter Lang.
Leonardi, Simona (2023a): La memoria e i luoghi nella narrazione di eventi a forte carica emotiva. In Roberto Francavilla, Anna Giaufret & Laura Quercioli (Hrsg.), MemWar II. memorie e oblii delle guerre e dei traumi del XX e del XXI secolo (QPS 5), 205–219. Genova: GUP
Leonardi, Simona (2023b): Orte in der Versprachlichung von Gedächtnisinhalten. In Simona Leonardi, Marcella Costa, Sabine E. Koesters Gensini & Valentina Schettino (ed.), Orte und Erinnerung. Eine Kartografie des Israelkorpus (Confronti), 91–109. Roma: Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici.
Leonardi, Simona (2023c): Erinnerte Chronotopoi: Rekonstruktion von Krisensituationen in Erzählungen. germanica; 33 (Themenheft: Erzählte Chronotopoi: Orte und Erinnerung in Zeitzeugeninterviews und berichten zu erzwungener Migration im 20. Jahrhundert). 121–150.
Olko, J., Wicherkiewicz, T. & Borges, R. (Eds.) (2016). Integral Strategies for Language Revitalization. Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw.
Olko, J., & Brylak, A. (2018). Defending Local Autonomy and Facing Cultural Trauma: A Nahua Order against Idolatry, Tlaxcala, 1543. Hispanic American Historical Review, 98(4), 573–604.
Olko, J., Maryniak, J., & Chromik, B. (2022). Facing Vulnerability and Mobilizing Resilience: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Speakers of Indigenous Languages in Mexico and Their Protective Behaviours. COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies, 1393–1410.
Olko, J., Lubiewska, K., Maryniak, J., Haimovich, G., de la Cruz, E., Cuahutle Bautista, B., Dexter-Sobkowiak, E., & Iglesias Tepec, H. (2022). The positive relationship between Indigenous language use and community-based well-being in four Nahua ethnic groups in Mexico. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(1), 132–143.
Oostendorp, M. 2021. Raced Repertoires: The Linguistic Repertoire as Multi-Semiotic and Racialized. Applied Linguistics 2022: 43/1: 65–87. doi:10.1093/applin/amab018
Orobchuk, Dariia (2022). Metaphern in Wissenschaftsfilmen. Metaphorische Mechanismen in Narration und Multimodalität. Baden-Baden,Tectum / Dynamiken der Vermittlung: Koblenzer Studien zur Germanistik, 8
Payne H. & Konopatsch I. (2021) The emergence of body memory in Authentic Movement. IN: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. DOI: 10.1075/aicr.84.25kon *Keywords: Authentic Movement, body-mind approach, body-mind experience, medically unexplained symptoms (e.g. following traumatic experiences) , memory, metaphor*
Putjata G., Goltsev E., Olfert H. & Brizic, K. (2022) Towards a multilingual turn in teacher professionalization. LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION 3 DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2022.2114804 *Keywords: Forced and other migration , school language policies , language regimes , teacher education , social justice*
Rolland, L., Costa, B., & Dewaele, J.-M. (2021). Negotiating the language(s) for psychotherapy talk: a mixed methods study from the perspective of multilingual clients. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21, 107-117. Available at:
Rolland, L., Dewaele, J.-M., & Costa, B. (2020). Planning and conducting ethical interviews: power, language and emotions. In J. McKinley and H. Rose (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (pp. 279-289). Abingdon: Routledge.
Rolland, L., Dewaele, J.-M., & Costa, B. (2017). Multilingualism and psychotherapy: exploring multilingual clients' experiences of language practices in psychotherapy. International Journal of Multilingualism, 14(1), 69-85.
Skintey, Lesya; Orobchuk, Dariia (submtted / attached): Bewältigung des Spannungsverhältnisses Ukrainisch-Russisch in der Familie: Erkenntnisse aus einer Interviewstudie mit ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland. In: Kostiučenko, Anastasija; Rutz, Marion; Novosolova, Marianna (Hrsg.): Mehrsprachigkeit in der Ukraine, Belarus und im Baltikum: aktuelle Tendenzen und historische Hintergründe (Reihe Specimina philologiae Slavicae). Berlin u. a.: Peter Lang.
Skrodzka, M., Hansen, K., Olko, J., & Bilewicz, M. (2020). The Twofold Role of a Minority Language in Historical Trauma: The Case of Lemko Minority in Poland. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39(4), 551–566.
Sorokina, Anastasia (2023) Coping with a language loss: A case of linguistic and cultural re-encoding of memories in language attriters. International Journal of Bilingualism
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2009): Dinge als Gefährten. Objekte und Erinnerungsgegenstände in Bettens Israel-Korpus der ersten Generation. In Monika Dannerer, Peter Mauser, Hannes Scheutz & Andreas E. Weiss (Hrsg.), Gesprochen – geschrieben – gedichtet. Variation und Transformation von Sprache [Festschrift Anne Betten], 189–205. Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2013): Die Erzählungen des sprachlosen Leibs. Körpererfahrung und Identität im Erzählkorpus ‘Emigrantendeutsch in Israel’ (1. Generation). In Arnulf Deppermann & Martin Hartung (eds.), Gesprochenes und Geschriebenes im Wandel der Zeit. Festschrift für Johannes Schwitalla, 145–168. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2016): Abschied von den Eltern. Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Tod der Eltern im Israelkorpus. In Simona Leonardi, Eva-Maria Thüne & Anne Betten (eds.), Emotionsausdruck und Erzählstrategien in narrativen Interviews: Analysen zu Gesprächsaufnahmen mit jüdischen Emigranten, 47–83. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2017a): Erzählte und berichtete Erinnerung an den Tod der Eltern im Israelkorpus. In Jianhau Zhu, Jin Zhao, Michael Szurawitzki, Tamara Kudryavtseva, Doerte Bischoff, Walter Pape & Evelein (Hrsg.), Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015: Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation (Publikationen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) 28), vol. 9, 293–297. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2017b): “Sono finiti a Auschwitz oppure da qualche parte. Non lo so”. Un esempio di frammento narrativo nell’Israelkorpus. In Sabine E. Koesters Gensini & Maria Francesca Ponzi (eds.), La lingua emigrata. Ebrei tedescofoni in Israele: studi linguistici e narratologici (Studi e Ricerche 63), 265–278. Roma: Sapienza Università Editrice.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2019): Sprache nach der Flucht. Erfahrungen der Kinder des Kindertransports 1938/39. In Radhika Natarajan (ed.), Sprache, Flucht, Migration: kritische, historische und pädagogische Annäherungen, 53–73. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2020): What the Kindertransportees tell us about the acquisition of English. Jewish Historical Studies 51(1). 165–182.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2020): Zurück nach Hannover. Ehemalige MigrantInnen jüdischer Herkunft erzählen. In Janina Behr, François Conrad, Stephan Kornmesser & Kristin Tschernig (eds.), Schnittstellen der Germanistik. Festschrift für Hans Bickes, 323–345. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2021): „Ich musste es mir selber beibringen.“ – Erfahrungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen des Kindertransports auf ihrem Bildungsweg. In Radhika Natarajan (ed.), Sprache - Bildung - Geschlecht. Interdisziplinäre Ansätze in Flucht-und Migrationskontexten, 67–110. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Thüne, Eva-Maria (2023): Kinder an der Grenze. Narrative Rekonstruktion von Reiseetappen des Kindertransports. germanica; 33 (Themenheft: Erzählte Chronotopoi: Orte und Erinnerung in Zeitzeugeninterviews und berichten zu erzwungener Migration im 20. Jahrhundert). 151–176.
Thüne, E.-M. & Brizic K. (2022) Voices heard. Autobiographical accounts of language learning after forced migration. LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION 3 (Open access) DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2022.2088239; *Keywords: Forced migration , trauma and language learning , Voice , children as speaking subjects , biographical research , teacher education*
Trinch, Shonna L. & Susan Berk-Seligson (2002) “Narrating in protective order interviews: A source of interactional trouble,” Language in Society 31(3): 383-418. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. & Barbara Cassidy (2020) “Engaging F-words to create change: Rape, representation, and performance,” Feminist Anthropology 2020: 1(1): 89-107 [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L., Barbara Cassidy, Bianca Suazo, and Jadeline Mallol Nunez (2022) “Linguistic Diversity on Center Stage: Rewriting Anthropology from the Margins of an MSI,” Cultural Anthropology, 37(3):412-420. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2001) “The advocate as gatekeeper: The limits of politeness in protective order interviews with Latina survivors of domestic violence.” Journal of Sociolinguistics, 5(4): 475-506. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2001) “Managing euphemism and transcending taboos: Negotiating the meaning of sexual assault in Latinas’ narratives of domestic violence,” Text 21(4): 567-610. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2014) "De-authorizing rape narrators: Stance, taboo and privatizing the public secret. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 2014, 2(2): 204-225. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2013) “Recalling rape: Moving beyond what we know.” In Legal-Lay Communication: Textual Travel in the Legal Process, by Chris Heffer, Frances Rock, John Conley (eds.), Oxford University Press, pps 288-306. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2011) “Forging violence against women: Documents reveal regimes of family in intimate-partner abuse. Law, Culture, and the Humanities, 2011, 7(3): 393 - 411. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2010) “Risky subjects: Narrative, literary testimonio and legal testimony.” Dialectical Anthropology, 34(2):179-204. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2010) “Disappearing discourse: Performative texts and identity in legal contexts.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 7(2) 207-229. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2010) “Teaching reading, writing, speaking and risk: Dialoguing with Eades, French and Lecuna.” Dialectical Anthropology, 34(2): 179-204. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2007) “The pragmatic use of gender in Latinas’ legal narratives of abuse.” The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (formerly, Forensic Linguistics) 2007, 14(1): 51-83. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2007) “Deconstructing the “stakes” in high stakes gatekeeping interviews: Battered women and narration. Journal of Pragmatics, 39(11):1895-1918. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2006) “Bilingualism and representation: Locating Spanish-English contact in legal institutional memory.” Language in Society, 35(4):559-593. [pdf]
Trinch, Shonna L. (2005) “The acquisition of genre and authority: Latinas, intertextuality and violence,” The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (formerly, Forensic Linguistics) 2005, 12(1): 19-48. [pdf]
Volvach, N. (2023). Shouting absences: Disentangling the ghosts of Ukraine in occupied Crimea. Language in Society, 1-26. Available at: doi:10.1017/S0047404523000325
Volvach, Natalia (2024). “Unsettling vulnerability in the wake of violence”. In: Moriarty, Mairead & Kosatica, Maida (eds.): Broken: Vulnerability in public spaces. Special issue for Linguistic Landscape.
Winter-Heider, Christiane E. (2005) „Fragmente einer Begegnung: Festschrift zur Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Rolf Schwendter, Kassel university-press.
Winter-Heider, Christiane E. (2009): „Mutterland Wort: Sprache, Spracherwerb und Identität vor dem Hintergrund von Entwurzelung“ Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 978-3-86099-358-3
Winter-Heider, Christiane E. (2010): Psychoanalytische Pädagogik mit Migranten, in: Heinemann, E. / Hopf, H.: Psychoanalytische Pädagogik in der Praxis, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
Winter-Heider, Christiane E. (2011): In der Sprache zu Hause?, in: Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie, Brandes@Apsel-Verlag, Heft 149, XLLII.Jg, 1/2011
Winter-Heider, Christiane E.: (2010) Kristeva, Julia: Schwarze Sonne. Depression und Melancholie. Rezension in: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Heft 1 /2 2010, 25 Jg. Stroemfeld
Wutti, Daniel (2022) Trauma, Sprache und Emotion. In M. Angerer-Pitschko & V.Wakounig (ed.) Mehrsprachigkeit, Identität und Bildung. Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
Wutti, Daniel. 2020. Trauma und Mehrsprachigkeit in Gesellschaft und Literatur. Colloquium new philologies.
Wutti, Daniel. 2024. Dem Unaussprechbaren Sprache(n) geben? Mehrsprachigkeit und Trauma. Handbuch MEHRSPRACHIGKEIT Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Teilhabe (hg von Jörg Meier, Verena Blaschitz und İnci Dirim. UTB. 225ff.