CBM projects: list of projects within the framework

The following list contains CBM projects affiliated to the the Centre for Intercultural Studies (previously called Klagenfurt network).
The project titles are linked to short presentations of the cooperating organisations.
Countries are given in ISO country codes (see list below).

yearproject titleinvolved countries
1994Conference: "Interculturality in multiethnic societies"yu
Freedom school in Gorski Kotarhr
Language of peace seminaryu
1995A.I.M. Independent News Agencyba hr mk si yu
Peace schools in Jasenak and Gomirjehr
1996Activities of A.I.M. for 1996ba hr mk si yu
Conference: "Frontiers: the challenge of interculturality"yu
Intercultural approach training for teachersua
Interethnic conference: "Forgiving"hr
Peace school in Mrkopalj (Gorski Kotar)hr
Second European Youth Academyat
Third European Youth Academyat
1997Adult education programme in rural areashr
Come to talk about itmk
Conference: "Interculturality versus racism and xenophobia"yu
Education of the peace school teachers: peacemaking & peacekeeping traininghr
Experimental classes in bilingual and intercultural education in Ukrainian schoolsua
Intercultural and multilingual journalist workshopyu
Intercultural mosaicmk
Peace school for children and teachers from Eastern Slavoniahr
Peace school for children from Eastern Slavoniahr
Promoting peace and dialogue through the free flow of information (AIM)ba hr mk si yu
1998Conference: "Interculturality and tolerance"yu
Different cultures and bilingualism in multiethnic societiesmk
Intercultural and multilingual journalist workshopyu
Intercultural mosaicmk
Journalists' role in confidence-building within multi-ethnic communitiesyu
Peace school for children and teachers from eastern Slavonia, BiH and Federal Republic of Yugoslaviaba hr yu
Peace school's adult programme in non-violent communicationhr
Programme of activities for 1998 (AIM)ba hr mk si yu
1999Bridges of Co-operationmk
Conflict resolution skillshr
Multilingual school newsletters in a multicultural communityyu
Peace school for children, adolescents and adultsba hr mk si yu
Peace school for children, adolescents and adults from Mostar, Sarajevo, Eastern Slavonia and Likaba hr
Programme of activities in 1999 (AIM)al ba hr mk si yu
School for democracy and educating young NGO activistsmk
2000A network of independent journalists in former Yugoslavia and neighbouring regions in the Balkansal ba hr mk si yu
Journalism and multicultural informingmk
Media awareness: media and conflictyu
Multilingual school newsletters in a multicultural communityyu
Social learningba
Summer Peace school for adolescents and adultsba hr
2001Multilingual debating programme in a multicultural communityyu
Peace school for adolescents and adultsba hr
Voivodina without inter-ethnic barriers. A goal of NGOsyu


mk:"the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
yu:Federal Republic of Yugoslavia